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(Turkey) Meatball Trio (Teriyaki, BBQ, Swedish) and Elote Zucchini Salad


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I made a "mini-project" meal.

Meatball Trio

I do not know what inspired me but I made three types of turkey meatballs, Teriyaki, BBQ, Swedish.

I started with a full batch of the meatball part of IKEA Swedish Meatballs [IKEA & Washington Post][@rev], subbing 1.5 lbs of turkey for the meat. I also used only half an onion (which was probably about a medium one) and I sautéed the onion first.

I formed them (~1 tbsp each. smaller than our usual) and baked them at 400°F for about 20 min.

I halved the IKEA Swedish Meatballs [IKEA & Washington Post][@rev] sauce and used chicken broth. It all came together really fast so I may have overcooked things and/or messed up proportions. I ended up adding a bit more water and cream. It tasted good but was thick and goopy. I do not know if the extra 30 min in the oven would have helped?

For the teriyaki, I just used Soy Vey teriyaki sauce and tossed it in a pan to coat. I knew it was old but it smelled fine and there is so much salt there. Then Meredith looked and it was four years expired. Oops.

For the BBQ, I just used Sweet Baby Rays in the pan as well.

From the meatballs, I did half Swedish and a quarter each for the others.

I liked it overall!

Elote Salad

This was based on 2017-06-23[@rev] but I had to go back to the source recipes, Elotes (Grilled Mexican Street Corn) [Serious Eats][@rev] and Elote with Zucchini Noodles [Inspiralized][@rev], to figure out what to do. I decided to write it down.

Note, there is no mayo in this. It was pretty good. I do think mayo would have been better but Meredith didn't want it. And we ate the whole things still!